
Masking Tapes, Coating and Gels


美亚科材的MT-100-S柔性遮蔽带可适用于传统的PET或聚酰亚胺遮蔽带难以覆盖的复杂区域,其部件和针脚都是传统的PET或聚酰亚胺遮蔽带难以覆盖的。 美亚科材的ML-150-S和MG-150-S是液态涂层和易分散的胶体遮蔽膜,可分别用于覆盖不同轮廓的大面积和小面积的遮蔽。

Before conformal coatings are applied, the areas and parts that cannot be covered by conformal coatings such as connectors, gold finger contacts, etc. must be masked. There basically are two types of masks that are commonly used:

  1. Masking tapes based on polyimide or polyester carrier films that are coated with pressure sensitive adhesives. One of the bigger drawbacks is that they are mostly unable to provide anti-static protection.
  2. 在一些特殊的应用中,可以将一种特殊的 "可固化 "乳胶液涂抹到指定的区域,形成一层薄膜,当三防漆完成后可以剥离。这些乳胶液需要用湿气和热量来固化,因此需要进行额外的工艺处理。
  3. In some cases, special “boots” that are custom designed to specific connectors are made to perform “masking” applications. This approach can be effective for some large volume production scenarios but may be costly for others.

AI Technology, Inc. offers several improved and innovative masking material solutions for protecting contact areas.

  1. MT-100-S是美亚科材的保形遮蔽带,它是基于一种专利的高温柔性载体膜,比刚性的PET或聚酰亚胺载体膜的保形性更强。更重要的是,AI Technology的保形遮蔽带和橡胶薄膜内嵌有固有的抗静电特性,以及用于遮蔽的可控释放压敏胶。AIT的保形遮蔽胶带可在高达250°C的温度下使用,其温度可与聚酰亚胺基遮蔽胶带相媲美。
  2. MG-150-S是AI Technology另一种创新的遮蔽膜成型解决方案,它是基于一种凝胶状的可分装膏体,可涂抹到需要保护的销钉和高轮廓电路区域。这些分散式凝胶是针对小面积的区域设计的,风干后形成掩膜,当三防漆固化后,可以轻松剥离。
  3. ML-150-S是MG-150-S的变体,可以用刷子涂抹,也可以用注射器涂抹在小范围内形成遮蔽膜。这是一种遮蔽膜形成的涂层,可涂在较大的电路区域,可在10分钟内风干。建议至少在一个边缘上有一层稍厚的涂层,这样便于抓取。
    • 建议在三防漆涂布后,在三防漆 "固化 "之前,将遮盖材料(胶带、凝胶状遮盖物、液态薄膜遮盖物)去除。
    • 遮蔽材料的去除有利于清洁去除,不会撕掉部分三防漆或削弱三防漆的边缘密封能力。

AI Technolody的CC7130-E即使是厚度小于25微米的 "超薄 "产品,也能为智能手机和移动电子产品提供无与伦比的保护。AIT的ML150-S遮蔽膜成型凝胶是那些厚度小于25微米具有微型连接器和引脚的电子产品的理想选择。

Masking Tapes for Conformal Coatings & their Relative Merits
Masking TapesMT-100-S

Conformal Masking Tape that adapts to non-flat contacts and capable to “band-aid” cover the connectors

ML-150-S: Masking Film Forming Liquid

MG-150-S: Masking Film Forming Gel (Thicker thixotropic Paste)

Traditional Masking Tape with Polyester (PET) or Polyimide Carrier
Application MethodCut to right side and apply pressure to tape on areas to be protectedDispense onto areas that need protection.

High viscosity paste to allow thick film forming for easier peel off

Cut to right side and apply pressure to tape on areas to be protected

Flexible proprietary conformal carrier film (non-silicone)

Excellent. Ideal for use on pins and contoured areas

Air dry @ <60 min to flexible mask film (Toluene Free solvent )

Good to moderate

The relative stiffness of the PET or Polyimide carrier

Anti-Static ProtectionOutstanding on both pressure sensitive layer

Embedded in the flexible carrier film

Outstanding and embedded in the air dry film formed from the brush or paint on liquidDepends

Typically no

Ease of peel and removalControlled peel

Zero to minimal residual

Controlled peel

Zero residual


Vendor specific

Water Immersion ResistanceInert and hydrophobicInert and hydrophobic?
Temperature Exposure StabilityUp to 250°C for 60 min.Up to 200°C for 60 min.
耐化学性Inert to acid and base

Inert to spraying solvents

Inert to acid and base

Inert to spraying solvents

Cost of ApplicationModerateExpensive

