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AI Technology, Inc. All-New Second Facility

AI Technology, Inc. Asian Operations

AI Technology, Inc. Asian Operations

Kevin Chung, Ph.D. CEO

Kevin Chung


AI Technology在使用先进材料提供电子封装领域的前沿解决方案方面有着令人骄傲的历史。 随着20世纪80年代率先将分子柔性环氧树脂胶粘剂用于芯片和基底粘接,30多年来的卓越可靠性已经证明了使用顺应性和非硅胶粘剂的好处。使用柔性环氧树脂胶粘剂薄膜和浆料粘合剂处理大面积的粘接以提高半导体器件的长期可靠性,现在已成为管理界面应力的公认 "黄金法则"。

AI Technology, Inc. is located in Princeton Junction, New Jersey.  Our 52,000 square foot office, warehouse, and manufacturing complex is located on a 16-acre campus. We manufacture our products to ISO 9001:2015 standards, having been accredited since 1999.

Since the 1990’s, AIT has maintained local staff for offering product support to customers in Hong Kong and China (Shenzhen). AIT also has a long history of working with local partners in Europe and Asian countries. We welcome inquiries to work with local partners to provide the most reliable electronic adhesives, thermal interface materials, EMI shielding materials, flex circuit substrates, semi-conductors and wafer processing tapes and materials to enhance your productivity. Our engineering, sales, and marketing teams are trained to ensure your requirements are satisfied.

Additionally, AIT now boasts a second, 18-acre manufacturing facility, just two miles from our flagship location. This will allow us to dramatically increase our production capabilities and enable us to support customer demand for our products even more efficiently.

AI Technology SOLAR部门于2011年开始提供其创新材料。SOLAR-IMB™是业界首款热传导绝缘金属背板,可封装并提供机械和电气保护。SOLAR-THRU™是一种透明封装的PVDF前板,可提供防紫外线、机械和电气保护,有无玻璃板均可。SOLAR-TAB™采用瞬时熔融粘合的高温热熔导电胶,可在150°C而不是250-300°C的温度下进行贴合。这些热塑性塑料在熔融封装和粘合的同时,直到125°C都能保持所需的机械强度,从而实现了卷对卷的加工,使面板制造时间缩短了10倍。

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我们还邀请企业授权使用我们网站上介绍的专利和专利申请中的解决方案。 我们的全体员工感谢您能有机会与您合作。 我们知道, 在您的电子、微电子和半导体封装应用中,您将受益于我们不断创新的产品与服务。

AI Technology提供业内最全面的薄膜胶和浆料胶产品线之一,帮助客户以最低的生产成本制造出最可靠的产品。在薄膜胶方面,除了拥有第一款具有粘性的环氧薄膜胶外,AI Technology还率先推出了多种不含玻璃纤维的自粘性环氧薄膜胶。这些产品在设计上具有最低的温度和压力熔融流动特性,可实现 "无压力瞬间粘贴和固化",这为堆叠芯片和基片附加应用提供了真正的在线加工。


此外,柔性分子交联薄膜与铜箔结合,也被应用于柔性电路和插接器的专利应用。自2009年以来,AI Technology还成功开发并应用了耐超高温、优异防潮性能、低热膨胀系数(CTE)可在300°C下连续运行适合芯片贴片应用的多种产品。

2009年,AI Technology开始了AI Technology MART,向高性能计算机应用群体提供了经过验证且可测量的最低热阻热接触材料COOL-SILVER™ GREASE和COOL-SILVER™ PAD。这些可测量最低热阻的热接触材料增强了一些最苛刻的超频CPU热接口应用的性能表现。


AIT has a team of experienced engineers, scientists, sales and product support staff ready to manufacture products for any electronic and semiconductor packaging material solutions. We pride ourselves on providing products that meet your needs!


AIT technical sales and product support department can also be reached at: 1-609-799-9388 and Fax: 609-799-9308