AI Technology, Inc. is proud to announce that we have been named a Gold Supplier by BAE Systems for 2022.
美亚科材 PRIMA-PROTECT在竞争中脱颖而出。
AIT engineering, sales and product support:
1-609-799-9388 or 1-800-735-5040
Fax: 609-799-9308
自1985年率先将柔性环氧树脂技术应用于微电子封装以来,爱尔科技已成为电子互连和封装领域先进材料和胶粘剂解决方案的开发和专利应用的领先力量之一。目前,AI Technology拥有可靠性最高的胶粘剂和下填充物之一,可用于最大模具的裸片键合、堆叠芯片封装的丁字模贴膜(DDAF)、倒装芯片键合和下填充物,以及单芯片和多芯片模块的高温裸片键合,应用温度超过230℃。该公司继续为军事和商业应用提供组件和基材键合的粘合剂解决方案。其热界面材料解决方案包括专利相变热垫、热脂和凝胶以及热粘合剂,为功率半导体、模块、计算机和通信电子设置了许多性能和可靠性的基准。
The company has an ISO9001:2008 certified manufacturing and R&D facility in the U.S. and a Far East Center in Hong Kong. The US headquarters has more than 50,000 square feet of manufacturing facilities for its die and substrate attached adhesive films and pastes, thermal interface materials (TIM) including insulated metal substrates, gap-filling compressible phase-change pads, thermal gels, thermal greases and adhesive films and pastes. AI Technology provides electromagnetic and radio frequency interference (EMI/RFI) mitigation material solutions including conductive gaskets, form-in-place (FIP) conductive gaskets, self-attached shielding covers/cans/lids, conductive caulks and adhesives, ultra-high temperature (300°C) continuous use films and paste die and component adhesives and advanced organic copper-clad laminates from 1/4 oz to 1 oz copper within its 16-acre campus in Princeton Junction, NJ.
AIT application engineering, sales, chemists, and material scientists are ready to design and manufacture to your application’s requirements and specifications. Please inform us of your requirements using the Contact tab or click on the button below:
AIT sales and product support:
Fax: 609-799-9308